Average annual visits to the US and China by world leaders, by presidential term
0102030405060708090 65.8GHW Bush1989–93 5.0Yang Shangkun1989–93 60.5Bill Clinton1993–2001 22.1Jiang Zemin1993–2003 71.8GW Bush2001–09 44.2Hu Jintao2003–13 56.5Barack Obama2009–17 86.9Xi Jinping2013–19 27.3Donald Trump2017–19
  • Average annual visits to the US
  • Average annual visits to China
Source: US Department of State; China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs; People’s Daily.
Notes: Data include multiple visits by leaders of the same country in a calendar year. Yang Shangkun served as Chinese president from 1988–93 but only travel from 1989 onwards is included in this dataset.